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Immigration News
Although President Obama has made it clear that he will use his executive powers to fashion some sort of immigration reform should Congress refuse to put a Bill to a vote, the fact is that deportations are at the highest point in years, much higher than before he took office for his first term. Defending...
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As more illegal immigrant children continue to cross the U.S. border into Texas, the U.S. government has begun to send children back to their home countries. In fact, it has been reported that in 2011 approximately 13,525 children crossed the border, but then in 2012 that number rose to nearly 25,000. Since October of last...
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After months of convening, the Supreme Court has finally come to a decision regarding the extensive debate on “aged-out” immigrant children. Lawmakers questioned whether the current immigration law could, in fact, be altered to allow immigrant children who entered the United States with their parents to keep their place in the system if they turned...
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In 2013, the Department of Homeland Security deported 368,644 immigrants from the United States. That comes to more than 1,000 people daily. President Obama has instructed Immigration and Customs Enforcement to only focus on “criminal aliens”. The problem is that this policy, when filtered down to the end-user, loses its effectiveness. In other words, people...
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According to current Federal Law, when applying for visas or a change of status, immigrants are permitted to name their children as dependents if they are under the age of 21. However if these children turn 21 before their parents have received permanent residency status, little options are left, as they are then “aged-out” of...
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In May of this year, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), released information in an attempt to introduce a bill that would allow the spouses of skilled temporary workers or H1B visa holders, the right to maintain work in the United States. For thousands of immigrants, this would open doors and numerous opportunities for their...
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As the debate for immigration reform continues, the conservatives insist on the need to essentially stop illegal immigration and punish those who are caught. Republican, former Governor of Florida and husband to a Mexican native, Jeb Bush, believes the punishments that the conservative tea party wishes to give are too severe. He has stated that...
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We’ve all heard it before: police authorities having a monthly quota to fill and having to adjust their ways to meet that end. This quota is also applicable to immigration authorities. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has recently announced that it would add 150 agents that previously worked behind a desk to the teams...
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There are less than five months left until we go to the voting booths to select America’s new president and so, naturally, the stakes are getting higher and speculation is ceaseless. While historically, the immigrant community has generally sided with the democratic party for their traditionally friendlier views in immigration—exceptions exist of course, especially amongst...
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Since the rise of the Asian Tigers, the powerful economic conglomerate that is comprised by the major Asian economies, and now with the skyrocketing BRIC countries that include Brazil, Russia, India and China, the demand for graduates in degrees in science, technology, engineering and math (“stem”) has never been higher. In these countries, where the...
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