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The Legislature in Nebraska has approved a bill that allows undocumented pregnant women to access state-funded prenatal care, a move that was surprising on many levels. The Nebraska Right to Life, Nebraska Catholic Conference, Planned Parenthood, and Nebraska Appleseed organizations actually came together to support the bill, which the state governor had actually worked hard...
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As we had previously mentioned in our blog posts, the Obama administration has decided not to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which bars marriages between same sex couples. However, the law still remains in the books and until it is overturned by the Supreme Court, it will continue to cause problems for same...
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With Tax Day approaching—the deadline to file federal income taxes being April 17—many find themselves rushing to get their documents in order and tax returns ready. But a recent case should serve as a cautionary tale to immigrants when filing their taxes. The Supreme Court has ruled that filing a false tax return is an...
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Former Governor of Florida Jeb Bush has decided to endorse Mitt Romney, and while he claims that it was not due to any particular issue, the fact is that this endorsement can only be seen in a negative light given Romney’s cruel “self-deportation” immigration policy. Even though Jeb Bush was for long considered the prudent...
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Have you ever wondered why it seems Congress is in a constant state of gridlock? That is because it is quite difficult to get the 60 votes necessary to quash a filibuster so as to actually get something done in the U.S. Senate. But from time to time, miracles do occur. In November, both Democrats...
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I spent the better part of Monday morning in the Immigration Court in Newark, New Jersey. As a former U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Trial Attorney, and a member of the private immigration bar for the last 11 years, I’ve not seen until now, a more despicable brand of vindictive justice meted out by an...
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As we predicted, the new year would bring a flurry of new initiatives that are not particularly immigrant-friendly. During the past November midterms, Republicans gained more than 690 seats in state legislatures nationwide, winning their strongest representation at the state level in more than 80 years. Because very few people expected any movement on immigration...
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Officials have reported that the federal immigration program titled Secure Communities will be implemented nationwide by 2013. This program has become a critical enforcement method and has been hailed by supporters for its ability to quickly identify the immigration status of those who have committed or been accused of committing crimes by having them undergo...
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The mid-term elections have come and gone, and even though the predicted sweeping wave of the Republican Party in Congress did not fully materialize, they were able to gain dominance over the House of Representatives. There was also a string of Latino Republicans who won, including Florida Republican Marco Rubio who took the U.S. Senate...
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According to the Migration Policy Institute, repealing the “birthright citizenship” given for U.S. born children of undocumented aliens would expand the unauthorized population by at least 5 million people over the next four decades. The report suggests that there would be 4.7 million immigrant children of undocumented parents as of 2050, compared to only 1...
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