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One of the major obstacles for individuals who are present in the United States without immigration benefits is the inability to drive lawfully. Having a driver’s license, for most Americans is a freedom enjoyed by the majority adults that is hardly contemplated. In order to drive to work, transport children to and from school and...
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President Obama stands on the precipice of making history not unlike President Lincoln did when he considered the Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves. Like the slaves, the undocumented living in the United States are treated like second hand citizens. Of course, the undocumented arrived here on their own seeking a better life while the slaves...
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The immigration debate of whether Congress will act on comprehensive immigration reform or whether President Obama will take executive action to change immigration law has taken a dramatic turn with the sudden surge of undocumented children crossing the southern border into the United States. Now, a President who once wished to take action to provide...
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The city council of the state of New York has decided to vote this month on two plans which would essentially aid immigrants. The first plan includes providing all New York residents with a municipal identification card, regardless of their legal status. This plan is in great debate since this identification card would technically allow...
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Check out our YELP page. As more and more people use their smart phones to search for services, providers like YELP are at the fore front of assisting consumers. Here at Pozo Goldstein, we want to ensure that our Business Visa Services and Deportation Defense are available to anyone who searches for these services on-line...
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Although President Obama has made it clear that he will use his executive powers to fashion some sort of immigration reform should Congress refuse to put a Bill to a vote, the fact is that deportations are at the highest point in years, much higher than before he took office for his first term. Defending...
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As more illegal immigrant children continue to cross the U.S. border into Texas, the U.S. government has begun to send children back to their home countries. In fact, it has been reported that in 2011 approximately 13,525 children crossed the border, but then in 2012 that number rose to nearly 25,000. Since October of last...
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After months of convening, the Supreme Court has finally come to a decision regarding the extensive debate on “aged-out” immigrant children. Lawmakers questioned whether the current immigration law could, in fact, be altered to allow immigrant children who entered the United States with their parents to keep their place in the system if they turned...
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In 2013, the Department of Homeland Security deported 368,644 immigrants from the United States. That comes to more than 1,000 people daily. President Obama has instructed Immigration and Customs Enforcement to only focus on “criminal aliens”. The problem is that this policy, when filtered down to the end-user, loses its effectiveness. In other words, people...
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According to current Federal Law, when applying for visas or a change of status, immigrants are permitted to name their children as dependents if they are under the age of 21. However if these children turn 21 before their parents have received permanent residency status, little options are left, as they are then “aged-out” of...
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